Giordano Anniversary Tees

Giordano Anniversary Tees

Giordano turned 20 and for its anniversary, a Design-a-Printed-Tee Contest with the theme “20 years of Giordano in the Philippines” was held. Winning designs are now part of Giordano’s 2010 fall/winter collection and are available for purchase at Php 599 per tee.

Featured are the 5 Pinoy-inspired designs. What's your pick?

Grand prize winner  - Mr. Lheo Dayumat

He won Php 25,000 and a trip for two to Hong Kong. “Dayumat describes his work as inspired by the last 20 years of Philippine history. Sporting patriotic colors of yellow, blue, and red and adding Giordano’s tagline – World Without Strangers – made the design a true masterpiece.”

1st Place Winner - Mr. Jake Ruiz

2nd Place Winner Mr. Michael Mendoza

3rd Place Winner - Mr. Manuel Kang

4th Place Winner - Mr. Benedict Lim
